About Us

Orange Daisies, LLC is a mental health and bath company. Our sole purpose is to provide our Strivers with various mental wellness physical techniques. We also provide bath products for specific mental health disorders! Designed just for you!

Each day we face various triggers that all require new and changing techniques from our tool box. Orange Daisies, LLC provides spiritual healing through prayer, holistic healing with crystals and yoga, mental health disorder healing with bath products, and toolbox tips for those working with individuals with diagnosed mental health disorder. I also provide tips in working with children with Autism, even though that is a cognitive disorder. 

A small background:

I have 3 mental health disorders, so the advice I give is authentic. I come from a place of kindness and care. I am in the trenches witnessing and facing the very things I preach about. I have diagnosed psychophysiologic insomnia, OCD, and severe anxiety disorder subcategory panic attacks. I have been to a ton of therapy and will often share the things I have learned from them.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Family and Individual Development, Double Master of Business Administration and International Management. These degrees have helped me truly understand how to best assist the population I am a part of-that's you! 

In addition, I am a Special Education teacher. I currently teach in a self-contained moderate to severe Autism Unit. Creating behavior goals, assessing disorders, and aiding them in wellness is what my entire day is filled with. I absolutely love making my community feel the ABLE in disABLEd.  

Lastly, Orange Daisies' name came from a panic attack episode I had. It was the day after graduation and I was having a panic attack. My Godparents got me a set of assorted flowers as a gift. During my attack, I stared at the orange petals and flowers. I meditated and was able to calm down. From there, the name stuck-Orange Daisies.